IMAGE ABOVE, Probably the best videoastro snapshot of Messier 82 (Cigar Galaxy) that I
have captured yet. Approximately 60 seconds, AGC 3 through Celestron C8
XLT, Meade f/6.3 focal reducer, Mallincam Extreme camera on a
Skywatcher AZ-EQ6 mount in EQ mode. Taken during the UK's Kelling Heath
Star Party. Posted on October 22 2013. Image by Andrew Dumbleton, UK.

Mike Harvey
June 13 2010
Chiefland Astronomy Village, Florida, USA
One SIngle 14 Seconds Exposure
28" f/3.6 Starstructure Dobsonian with MFR-3 and 15mm of spacers.
MallinCam Hyper PLUS

Chris Appleton
Downtown Toronto Ontario Canada (Feb 22 2010)
12X28 secs exposure.
Celestron C9.25 with F/6.3 focal reducer
Lumicon Deep Sky FIlter
MallinCam Hyper PLUS Color Video CCD Camera

Imager: Daniel Wigley
Object: Sculptor Galaxy
Location: Friend's backyard, Ft. Pierce, Florida, USA
Scope: Meade 10" Schmidt-Newtonian, f/4, no focal reducer, Atlas EQ-G
Camera: Mallincam Color Hyper Plus (green light)
Capture Device: Imaging Source DFG/USB2-lt converter
Processing: 28 second exposure, Virtual Dub deinterlace, 25 frames stacked in Registax 5, Photoshop

Imager: Daniel Wigley
Object: Pinwheel Galaxy
Location: Friend's backyard, Ft. Pierce, Florida, USA
Scope: Meade 10" Schmidt-Newtonian, f/4, no focal reducer, Atlas EQ-G
Camera: Mallincam Color Hyper Plus (green light)
Capture Device: Imaging Source DFG/USB2-lt converter
Processing: 28 second exposure, Virtual Dub deinterlace, 25 frames stacked in Registax 5, Photoshop

Image by: Brian Kushner
Ghost of Jupiter, NGC 3242.
First capture with the new Mallincam. 14 seconds exposure, 13 Frames stacked. Recorded the stream to my tiny
handheld Cowan Recorder, and stacked in Registax. 8" LX-200GPS using the MFR-3 focal reducer.
Location: in my yard, Audubon NJ 10 minutes from Center City Philadelphia and the sky glow that goes with it. Shot Jan
14th 2010